5 Tips to Help You Hire Great Admin Staff

The road to long-term business success is undoubtedly laden with numerous obstacles and seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Some challenges are blatantly obvious to any aspiring entrepreneur, and others are seldom prevented until that “Uh, oh” voice pops in your head.

Administrative Assistant Jobs


One of the latter is, of course, when you finally realize that you can’t do it all on your own, that your office is slowly falling into disarray, and that you have no idea who you’re scheduled to meet downtown in an hour.

Yes, you need a personal assistant, and more importantly for your company. You need a comprehensive admin team that will help your short, mid, and long-term goals come to fruition.

So, don’t be stingy with your funds, and invest in administrative professionals early on to prevent common business pitfalls. Here’s what you need to know about hiring amazing admin staff.

Top 5 Tips for Hiring the Right Administrative Assistant


1: Forget the CV

Being an administrative assistant is oftentimes more about having an intuitive skillset rather than formal knowledge. This is why the ancient concept of the Curriculum Vitae shouldn’t play a major part in your decision-making process.

Sure, having several years’ worth of experience in the field is always an admirable trait, but if the position doesn’t require any formal education, you should focus on determining the type of personality of the individual.

Some professions, such as a legal assistant and a marketing coordinator, require proper education.

Applicants for these positions should be properly certified.

But if you’re hiring an administrative assistant, then it’s more about how intuitive, organized, and disciplined the person actually is.

2: Look for an intuitive candidate

Speaking of being intuitive:

This is a massive trait in the administration field every employer should be looking for in their potential team members.

This single trait alone can help you run your company like a well-oiled machine.


  • If the applicant displays rational and quick thinking,
  • if they are able to understand various concepts from rough drafts alone, and
  • if they seem capable of anticipating your needs, then you have yourself a winner.

Needless to say, these abilities are acquired nowhere else but in real life.

So, just because someone majored in comparative literature, that shouldn’t discourage you if they display excellent cognitive prowess.

That said, this individual should also be able to take instructions without objection, yet also be experienced enough to guide you in the right direction should the need arise.

Research Candidate

3: Research the talent pool thoroughly

In the bustling job market of the modern world, entrepreneurs and business leaders can find potential admin team members almost anywhere.

But that doesn’t mean that you should cast your net so wide that you attract everyone in the industry.

You will be left with nothing more than a couple of hundred candidates to invite for a conversation.

This is, as you might have gathered, a tiring and time-consuming task. Instead, do what Australian entrepreneurs do and hire staff through professional agencies.

In the Land Down Under, numerous admin jobs in Sydney and other business centers in the country are available for aspiring administrative employees. This allows potential team members to connect with their ideal employers efficiently and effectively. Following this mindset, you want to attract the best talent in the industry in the same, cost-effective way.

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4: Find the leader of the pack

It should go without saying that there can never truly be a well-rounded team without a leader to guide its members through day-to-day processes and represent their interests before the higher-ups. This is why, depending on the job description, your ideal administrative assistant also needs to display leadership traits.

This is especially important for job positions such as team leaders, marketing and HR coordinators, office managers and chief of staff, as these roles bear a distinct number of tasks and responsibilities that will affect your entire brand as a whole. And the reason why being a natural leader is an excellent trait in any applicant.

Administrative Assistant

5: Let them complement your knowledge and experience

Last but not least, always keep in mind that success is built on knowledge. Or rather, it is built on cumulative knowledge and the never-ending pursuit to expand the collective skillset and experience of your staff.

With that in mind, bringing in a new team member who understands a certain area of business better than you is actually the best decision you can make. Remember that these team members are here to help you grow, so let them contribute as much as they can.

[bctt tweet=”Success is built on cumulative knowledge” username=”ansa_careers”]

Administrative professionals are the indispensable backbone of every growth-oriented company. This is why hiring the right people for administrative assistant jobs takes plenty of careful planning and consideration.

With these five tips in mind, you will have no problem building the ideal admin staff to guide your brand towards long-term success in the industry.


Author Bio

My name is Raul, editor in chief at Technivorz blog. I have a lot to say about innovations in all aspects of digital technology and online marketing. You can reach me out on Twitter.

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