Submit Your Post

Guidelines for Submission:
  1. Posts must NOT BE LESS THAN 1000 words
  2. Posts must be original. MUST NOT BE COPIED from your blog, another site, book, magazine, etc
  3. Guest post CANNOT be republished. You agree not to modify and republish it somewhere else in the near future
  4. The topic of your guest post MUST be related to our niche (Careers Advice, Job search / CV writing Tips, Personal finance, Life hack)
  5. Post must be non-promotional. Must NOT be written for the purpose of advertising a product, website or some paid services. If you intend to write a post for advertising, please contact us [[email protected]]
  6. Post with affiliate links, irrelevant links and links to questionable websites may be rejected
  7. Updating of backlinks several times after post goes live will not be accepted
  8. You can promote your guest article on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc
  9. Guest posts are unpaid except sponsored posts ( see #6 above)
