
Amazing Tips for Writing an Artist Resume

 Writing an artist resume is very different to creating an occupational one. They both have very different aims and should be catered to what you are aiming to get out of having one. As they are very different from each other, we have created a useful guide on how to create a great artist resume.

Artist Resume Sections

Artist Resume

  • Contact Information

You should always include a section for your contact details where you should add your email and phone number. Never use someone else phone number and always use a professional email, the email to use is one that is simply your name.

  • Exhibitions

This is a space to show off all of your past exhibitions as well as any you have lined up or forthcoming in the future. You could either put them all under one section or separate them into sections such as: Solo, Juried and Group, do which ever looks best for your resume.

  • Press

If you have any reviews or big mentions, it will always be a good thing to show these off. Whether it was online, in a blog, local newspapers etc any places you have been reviewed, would be a great thing to show.

  • Professional Experience

If you have any relevant professional experience, then you should be adding it into your resume but don’t overdo it and make yourself sound much bigger and better than you are. Make sure that you are not overselling yourself and that you are giving yourself an accurate representation.

  • Short Biography or Artist Statement

It would be a great idea to add in a professional statement to describe you and your practice, it is always great to read about how someone sees themselves as well as how they picture themselves in a few years and the direction they wish it to take them.

  • Website

You should definitely be setting up a website as they are great for showcasing what you do along with any reviews, big mentions, videos etc that you have to show off. A website is a great way to have an online portfolio so that you can direct people to it as well as allowing people to find you.

Get started with How to Set Up Website

  • Useful Tools

To help with your resume building even more, we have provided you with a list of tools below to help you create the best-looking resume that you can use. Whether you need someone to take the reins and create it for you or you want more control and would love to get creative with it, we have the best online tools for you.

Best Australian Writers

The online writing service Best Australian Writers are perfect for those who are looking for some help when it comes to putting together the resume. Not only can they provide you with a writing service by creating your resume for you but they have also reviewed a range of other writing services out there to help you choose the best one for you.

Resume Genius

If creating a resume on Word isn’t for you, then Resume Genius is great for providing you with templates and helping to build the perfect looking resume in minutes.


Another great resume builder is Resume, where they can help you to create a great looking resume in a few short minutes for free.


If you prefer to have more control over the look of your resume or you want to go for something a bit more ‘out there’ then Canva is great for you. You are able to choose from a huge range of graphics, images and much more.


About the Author:

Jennifer works as online editor at Best Australian Writers. Also, she is a business developer that works in different areas of education, technology, security and various types of online marketing. Prior to business developing Jennifer was consultant at Deloitte, and managed security services provider and developer of a wide range of security solutions.

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